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An Overview of the License

There is no charge for downloading, printing, reading, adopting or reusing the text.

The text can be integrated with other works and sold at a profit.

If the text is used in any way however,

  1. the names of all contributors to this version must be prominently featured in any use or reuse of this version, and
  2. any derivative work from this one must be also licensed using the same license as this work.

The goals of the license are to spur the creation of a dynamic community-supported resource of use in marketing Ph. D. education.


All adopters are expected to contribute to the work. This contribution can take many forms.

The licensing for this book and its constituent modules has been inspired by the "open content" movement. A collection of links to open content resources is available on the American Marketing Association's Academic Resource Center.

Full Text

Full text of the license.